Price: $312.10
Tests performed: regular use (sorry, no over-ambitious stress-tests)
Since last September, this camera has performed well in a variety of situations - even in awkward social situations. It sustained several life-threatening falls and lived to tell about them (in the form of clear and vibrant pictures of nearby scenery, of course). During a hiking excursion, it took a hard tumble over several rocks and escaped with only cosmetic injuries (battle scars build character, a wise man says).
With the help of the "intelligent" auto mode, the picture quality and light metering seems to be flawless in most situations. Below, you will find several of this cameras finer moments under various modes*...
Catch a squirrel stealing birdseed Mode: get a shot off quick, catch a crook.
Macro Mode: (directions: go to middle of desert, take left, spot wildflower after spring rain...)
Stunning Vista Mode: (...continue on foot, go up hill, stop, gaze)
Danger of being eaten Mode: how close is too close? 12X zoom close?
Pinhole Mode: this is really a mode, honest. no touch-ups either
*camera does not necessarily support all modes listed.
This is a super camera that has all the features that you would want in a compact, take-anywhere camera and some of the features you might find in a digital SLR.
Note: the following camera is the one mentioned here. If you follow the link, you will see that there is an updated model since last years version, which is probably the better deal. So get yourself one and save our birdseed.
"Danger of being eaten mode" - I love it!!! Nice camera! I gotta get dad one!
This really is an awesome camera. We are definitely getting a lot of good use out of it.
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