Date of Purchase: 10 September, 2010
Price: $19.99/set of two

Today, we're exploring alternative uses of the Mister Steamy. Because this product has probably been sold in the millions, we can't help but think that there are many who have a set of two Mister Steamy dryer balls and no obvious use for them. Because we are advocates of the "reuse" concept (along with the other two R words), we're hoping that people will choose to find other uses for their failed products rather than placing them in a landfill.
Alternative use #1: Dog Toy. What made us think that this could possibly be used as a dog toy? We didn't. It was the dog's idea. In most cases, when this pup begs for something, she is tragically denied. In this case, her wish was granted.
In typical dog fashion, she quickly got to work with her task of tearing it to pieces. Unfortunately, she found success much more quickly than we had planned. Within minutes, the inferior dog-bite-durability of the Mister Steamy was obvious. Bad dog!

Alternative use #3: Golf Tee Marker. In the rare case that someone reading this post happens to own/operate a golf course, you may benefit from this. Rather than spend a fortune on more expensive tee markers, you could simply place a set of Mister Steamy dryer balls on each tee. The minor disadvantage of this is that you most likely only purchased one set and you'll have to purchase several more sets in order for this to be an effective tee marker solution. On a typical golf course, there are usually three sets of tees on each hole and 18 holes on the course. This means that you would need to buy 54 sets to cover the entire golf course, coming to a grand total of $1079.46. Unless you happen to get a volume discount, maybe this option isn't as economical as we first thought.
A little creativity can help give terrible products new life and hopefully keep garbage out of our landfills. Maybe someday people will stop producing (and creatively selling) these absurd products. Until then, we'll just have to find new and inventive uses for our junk. We encourage you to find practical uses for this and other items that you may have purchased off of the television. Not only is this a fun (and free) activity/hobby, it may even help you to overcome that tremendous buyer's remorse that you will undoubtedly have after buying the Mister Steamy.
P.S. Dear Mister Steamy lawyers: all comments and topics are strictly the opinions of the author and not based on anything factual or scientific in any way.
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